"Giant Squid Takes His Pet Slug Camping"
I was commissioned by Adobe to create artwork for Adobe Creative Cloud Collaborative Mosaic Project. There are 48 artists from around the world working independently to create one unified piece of art of the Creative Cloud logo in a collaborative mosaic.
Adobe will display the completed mosaic at the 2014 Creative Cloud launch event on June 18th, on a printed ad, on Adobe.com, and other launch materials.
Here is the Adobe Creative Cloud Mosaic page (updated everyday) http://adobe.com/go/mosaic
Adobeの新しいプロジェクト「Adobe Creative Cloud Collaborative Mosaic Project」のお仕事をさせて頂きました。色々な国の48人のアーティストが各自制作した正方形の作品をモザイクのように繋ぎ合わせることによって、Creative Cloudのロゴを浮き立たせています。これは、6月18日から開催の新しいCreative Cloud発表イベントや、Adobeウェブサイト、広告印刷物などにも使用されます。

Creative Cloud Logo Mosaic (the red one is a tile for my work)

The final Creative Cloud mosaic.

Outside of Lincoln Center in NYC (the photos by Adobe).

Indide of Lincoln Center in NYC (mine is in the middle).
Giant Squid listening to the slug's problem

The slug looking for something...

Some props