Five of my artwork has been published in ANATOMY ROCKS - Flesh and Bones in Contemporary Art! They are beautifully printed, large, fancy, hard cover art book by 60 international artists (including Mark Ryden & Damien Hirst!). You can get it on Amazon, or at book stores worldwide!
大きなハードカバーの美しい解剖アートブックに、私の解剖アート作品5点載せて頂きました!世界中の60人のアーティスト(マークライデンも!)の解剖アート作品がぎっしり詰まっています。Amazon JP他で絶賛発売中!

There is also a short interview. The diorama on the left was collaboration work with Yuko Higuchi's beautiful drawings.

Three Anatomical Females.

Very large!

The cover art by Mark Ryden!

There is also a beautiful anatomy art postcard set which my artwork included!