I worked on a miniature collage for the cover of a lovely novel, Kazoku Theatre, by the award-winning very popular Japanese author, Mizuki Tsujimura. The book design by the super talented, Naoko Nakui. Before I stated to work, I had a chance to read the book (proof version). Each short stories & the characters were very very precious. I didn’t want to finish reading the book! The book will be available on October 22 at bookstores across the country in Japan.
直木賞作家、辻村深月さんの新刊短編集『家族シアター』(講談社)の表紙のお仕事をやらせて頂きました!装丁はあの名久井直子さん!お仕事を始める前にゲラを読ませて頂きましたが、それぞれのキャラクターが本当に愛おしくて、読み終わってしまうのが残念で仕方がなかったくらいでした。とても素敵な本です!いくつかのミニチュアアイテムは、お話の内容に関連させているので、ぜひ読んで探してみて下さい!10月22日発売。→Amazon Japan

Advertisement on the publisher website

講談社編集部の見本置き場 (photo by the publisher, Kodansha)

Front Cover

Back Cover

Demo, Blue Version
First Demo, Pink Version

A Cat in a Box

I used some old space illustrations from a vintage book which was published 60 years ago in UK!

Tiny Take-Tombo (bamboo-copter toy)

My Assistant, Lili (after I took this photo, she jumped from the set, and knocked over all the items!)

A book advertisement on the doors of Odakyu line train.