at ranbu gallery space in Osaka, Japan
 April 27 - May 05, 2016
大阪梅田スカイビル周辺で毎年催されるアートと街のイベント「Hello! Art MACHI 2016」の一環で、本部でもあるアートと雑貨のお店 ranbuさん2階のギャラリースペースで去年 個展をやらせていただきました。
Announcement card for my solo show #1
Announcement card for my solo show #2
Announcement card for my solo show #3
The Gallery Space
(some photos taken by ranbu and Persika)
The gallery photos
The gallery photos
The gallery photos
The gallery photos
The gallery photos
The gallery photos
The gallery photos

Art work
The Royal Aquarium Souvenir Shop Crest Banner
The Royal Aquarium Souvenir Shop Crest Banner (details)
Ginormous Squid Sisters
Squid & Octopus Pennants
Squid & Octopus Pennants
Squid & Octopus Pennants
Spring Clam Brooches
Jellyfish Brooches
Sea Slug Brooches
Sea Slug Brooches
Nautilus Brooches
Stitched Squid Brooches
Stitched Squid Brooches
Chopped Garden Eel Brooches
Chopped Garden Eel Brooches
Sea Creature Tote Bags
Illustration: The Royal Aquarium Souvenir Shop (blue)
Illustration: The Royal Aquarium Souvenir Shop (yellow)
Illustration: Sea Creatures
Squid Hat (people can try this squid hat and take selfie at the show!)
Paper cut-out decoration for the gallery space (there is an octopus version as well)
Sea Creature Commemorative Stamps (people can stamp on their notebooks, agendas or anywhere at the show)
Sea Creature Commemorative Stamps (people can stamp on their notebooks or anywhere at the show)
Before I shipped my pieces to Japan, I took pictures of them at home
Thank you for checking my portfolio!
Please follow my Instagram!
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